Our vacation started last Friday, and on Thursday we celebrated. We hunted eggs, made sandwiches and decorated cookies for lunch. As a treat, we ate lunch in the room instead of in the cafeteria. We work the kids so hard these days. It's important to take some time to play once in a while. On Wednesday we colored eggs in class. The kids were so excited! This was a new experience for many of them. I wrote their names on their eggs with the wax crayon provided in the dye kit and then they chose their favorite color and we put their eggs into the corresponding dye cup.
On Thursday, we had an egg hunt. I sent them out in groups because it's easier to manage that way.
I had lots of parent help, so things ran smoothly.
Of course, they had to compare baskets after all the eggs were found!
This year I added a little something to the egg hunt. While shopping at Target a few weeks ago, I found some big golden eggs in the dollar bins. They also had the cutest carrot and ducky bubble necklaces. I knew I had to buy them all. So for each group, one golden egg was hidden. The child who found the golden egg was awarded a prize. He or she chose either a ducky or carrot necklace in exchange for the golden egg.
After all the eggs were found, the kiddos came inside and exchanged their plastic eggs for candy.
It's so much easier than stuffing the eggs, and that way I can recycle my eggs year after year. I store them in egg cartons. Then I know exactly how many eggs I have at a glance.
In addition to the sandwiches, we had chips and Peter Rabbit veggies (radishes and baby carrots.) For a beverage, I always serve 7up because if it spills on the carpet, it doesn't leave a stain.
They were really stuffed after lunch, so we saved the cookies to eat as an afternoon, after recess snack. We watched the Beatrix Potter dvd of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny as we munched on cookies.
It was a wonderful day, and a terrific way to start our vacation.